McConnells Mill Adventure

This past Sunday my friend, Elise, my fiancé, Brian, and I traveled to McConnells Mill State Park in the beautiful sunny morning. While there, we hiked up cliffs and walked along windy trails to capture beautiful photographs of nature. I also got to practice some more shots with my engagement ring using my macro filters. While there, we had some pretty interesting encounters and close calls. We climbed an ice-covered cliff to reach a huge waterfall that was frozen. It was hard, slow paced, and dangerous, but rewarding. While roaming the snow and ice littered trails we ran into a lot of nice fellow hikers, some very happy fluffy dogs, and a few kayakers bracing the cold winter waters!

Enjoy some photos from behind the scenes of our adventure! I will be posting another blog later on with the final images from our day here. If you are looking into a place to hike, climb, or simply take pictures, head over to McConnells Mill!

Enjoy this comical video of my friend Elise trying to get down the last set of icy steps! (Remember, there were several steps we had to slide down – it was very interesting!)

I hope you enjoyed my behind the scenes of McConnells Mill State Park! Make sure to check out the final images when you're done!